Meet Schaffa!

Meet Schaffa!

Schaffa is our 3-year old German Shepherd, and the youngest canine member of our household. She is a lanky prankster who asserts dominance in the house while also (very much) looking to everyone else for leadership. Schaffa loves to play, and although her favorites are tug of war and fetch, she takes "find dad" very seriously. We often refer to her as "Schaffa puppy" as she is the baby in our canine family.

Schaffa is the self-appointed guardian of our house but also indulges in sneaking toys from her older "brother" Benson. We love getting her out on daily runs, car trips, and hikes. Schaffa has been on a fresh foods diet since we brought her home as a puppy. She adores whole foods and relishes meal time.

We expect Schaffa to play a critical role of taste-tester in Benson's Bowl, our new pet food service. Benson's Bowl will offer fresh, lightly-cooked ingredients, and have absolutely no fillers, additives, or preservatives. We are excited for the upcoming launch of Benson's Bowl meals to a broader community of pet lovers!

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